The Science of Prevention
May 12-13th 2022
The Resort at Glade Springs
255 Resort Drive, Daniels, WV 25832
Registration Cost: FREE
Spring Prevention Conference and Celebration
Sessions will focus on topics such as evidence-based practices, prevention unifying stakeholders, stigma & language, engaging with youth, & so much more.
Who should attend:
Professionals: (Higher Education Administration/Staff, Preventionists, PSI, PSII, mental health providers, social workers, counselors, school counselors, Resident Advisors, Student Affairs Staff)
Community: Coalitions or Community Group Members interested in learning more about prevention.
Youth: High School Students and Higher Education Students interested in being agents of change and learning more about prevention.
Spring Prevention Conference and Celebration Recognition Nomination Form
Continuing Education Available:
WV Certified Board for Addiction & Prevention Professionals (WVCBAPP)
Please e-mail Heather McDonnell-Stalnaker at if you have any questions.
Detailed Agenda for Spring Prevention Conference & Celebration
May 12, 2022 / Day 1
8:15-8:45 am
Registration & Light Refreshments
8:45-9:00 am
Amy Saunders, MA, Managing Director, Marshall University Center of Excellence for Recovery
Location: Bright Ballroom
9:00-10:15 am
“The Science of Primary Prevention: Mechanisms of Change” (Download presentation)
Keynote Speaker: Tammy Collins, Ph.D., OCPC, Marshall University Center of Excellence for Recovery
Location: Bright Ballroom
10:30-11:00 am
Get to Know WVCIA (Download presentation)
Presenter: Wes Thomas, WVCIA
Robin Tabor, WVCIA
Location: Bright Ballroom
Break Out Sessions
11:15-12:30 pm
Breakout Session 1
1A: Inclusive Language from a Student Perspective (Download presentation)
Presenter: Devin Towne, WV School of Osteopathic Medicine C-SPF Student Leader
Ashnee Patel, WV School of Osteopathic Medicine
Matthew Parsley, WV School of Osteopathic Medicine
Olivia Rombold, WV School of Osteopathic Medicine
Location: Woodland Room 3
Description: This session aims to promote education about the vitality of prioritizing the use of destigmatized language. To effectively address relative issues, the presentation highlights the use of destigmatized language in individuals living with substance use disorder, the LGBTQ+ community, and the translation into family dynamics. Group thought exercises are incorporated to encourage the input of individual perspectives and foster discussion about the impact stigmatizing language has in everyday life.
1B: Nurtured Heart Approach (Download flyer)
Presenter: Holly Glick Sly, MA, Marshall University Center of Excellence for Recovery
Location: Bright Ballroom A
Description: The Nurtured Heart Approach® (NHA) is a relationship-focused methodology founded strategically in “The 3 Stands” for helping children (and adults) build Inner Wealth™ and use their intensity in successful ways. It has become a powerful way of awakening the inherent greatness in all children while facilitating parenting and classroom success. The essence of NHA is a set of core methodologies originally developed for working with those who experience behavioral, social, and academic challenges.
1C: Getting Candid: Framing the Conversation Around Youth Substance Use (Download presentation)
Presenter: Flannery Peterson, MPH, PMP, National Council for Mental Wellbeing
Location: Bright Ballroom B
Description: The presentation will feature guidance on how youth-serving providers from behavioral health, primary care, school and community-based organizations and coalitions, as well as other settings that serve youth, can leverage community partnerships and social media to engage youth in conversations to prevent use, identify problems, intervene early, and provide youth-centered resources for support. It will also feature a message guide and toolkit with substance use prevention messages tested with middle and high school youth.
1D: Suicide Prevention: Recognize, Respond, REACT
Presenters: Barri Sky Faucett, MA, Prevention Suicide WV
Michelle Toman, Prevent Suicide WV
Location: Senator Room
Description: Suicide is complex and multifaceted, warranting a compassionate, comprehensive response. This interactive session will introduce participants to the prevalence and circumstance of suicide, facilitate how to have a safe and meaningful conversation regarding suicide and provide for manners in which to REACT if someone is at risk for suicide. Suicide prevention is the responsibility of everyone and within the capability of anyone.
12:45-1:45 pm
Light Lunch (Bright Ballroom)
2:00-3:15 pm
Breakout Session 2
2A: Smart Rx University: Using Peer-to-Peer Education to Reduce Prescription Drug Misuse Among College Students (Download presentation)
Presenters: Tinina McCourt, West Virginia Drug Intervention Institute
Bruce Whitten, MPH, West Virginia Drug Intervention Institute
Location: Woodland Room 3
Description: SmartRx University is a medication safety program for college students that is driven by peer-to-peer education and has an overarching goal of reducing prescription drug misuse on college campuses. In attending this presentation, you can learn about how we engage college students in education and prevention work, as well as how to involve your campus community in SmartRxU and what incentives the WVDII can offer you with the implementation of this relatively new program.
2B: Review of the 3 PFS Approved EBPs & Experience with Implementation (Download presentation)
Presenters: Stephanie Conley, Prestera
Location: Bright Ballroom A
Description: Selective prevention targets specific subgroups of the population that are believed to be at greater risk than others. It is imperative that selective prevention strategies be matched to specific needs of targeted populations. This session provides an overview of selective prevention and the target youth populations the PFS grant serves; and a review of three PFS approved evidence-based programs currently being implemented in different youth communities, in both urban and rural settings.
2C: Prevention Among Generational Influences (Download presentation)
Presenters: Melody Stotler, Morgan County Partnership &
Summer Goller, MA, Morgan County Partnership & Morgan Co. Schools
Location: Bright Ballroom B
Description: In this session, you will learn how to influence a generation that has been affected by trauma associated with substance use disorder and neglect within the family. It is our role to provide young people opportunities to build resilience – a powerful tool to break the cycle and change family legacies. The speaker ties her personal and professional experiences to provide a comprehensive framework and tools to implement strategies essential for helping families successfully navigate change.
2D: Using Social Media to Increase Engagement (Download presentation)
Presenters: Alyssa Milbee, Marshall University C-SPF Student Leader
Carley Knuckles, WVU Institute of Technology C-SPF Student Leader
Location: Senator Room
Description: The presenters have built the Instagram page for C-SPF-PFS and have increased the following almost fourfold. This session will discuss how Social Media Presence Importance; Increasing Social Media Presence Among Higher-Education Students, Prevention Partners, and Community Members; Diversifying Engagement Efforts; Increasing Prevention Capacity; and Promoting Prevention Infrastructure. They will discuss in depth, the ongoing process of adapting to social media advances and the opportunities this provides for prevention coalitions.
3:15-3:30 pm
Light Refreshments
3:30-4:45 pm
Breakout Session 3
3A: We’re All in this Together- Uniting Key Stakeholders (Download presentation)
Presenters: Summer Goller, MA, Morgan Co. Schools & Morgan Co. Partnership
Melody Stotler, Morgan County Partnership
Location: Woodland Room 3
Description: Learn who the 12 sectors are and some practical engagement strategies for each sector. Having the support of key stakeholders is a mutually beneficial relationship, furthering the mission of all involved. Instead of operating as a silo, this collaborative approach seeks to bring out the best in all partners, which is imperative for true comprehensive prevention strategies that endure beyond individual relationships between stakeholders. We are undoubtedly better together!
3B: Seeing Outside the Prevention Silo (Download Presentation)
Presenters: Vanessa Hankins, City of Huntington
Stephanie Conley, Prestera
Location: Bright Ballroom A
Description: The COVID-19 pandemic has magnified the historical issues coalitions face to build and maintain strong networks among community stakeholders. As communities are eager to regain their ability to mobilize, now is an ideal time to imagine new ways of connecting with others to address emerging community needs. This session shares the story of how one community has come together to re-define prevention partnerships in a post-pandemic world.
3C: SPF Your Life (Download presentation)
Presenter: Hon. Greg Puckett, Community Connections/Mercer County Commission
Location: Bright Ballroom B
Description: The goal of this workshop is to provide a basic ‘re-understanding’ of why coalitions are needed in communities and how using the SPF model, combined with varied strategies create sustainable change. Coalition leaders have not only an opportunity to lead, but an obligation to do so. This workshop will understand the ongoing question… WHY?
(Download SPF Your Life worksheet)
3D: From the Ground Up (Download presentation)
Presenter: Madison Taylor, Concord University C-SPF Student Leader
Location: Senator Room
Description: From the Ground Up: Building Your Prevention & Recovery Organizations focuses on providing tips, tricks, and advice that will assist anyone and everyone wishing to start a prevention and recovery organization. This presentation will include some real-life examples about what effective strategies are and how to improve upon those strategies using the CU Prevention & Recovery Organization.
6:30-8:00 pm
Networking & Socializing
May 13, 2022 / Day 2
8:30-9:00 am
Registration & Light Refreshments
9:15-9:30 am
Amy Saunders, MA, Managing Director, Marshall University Center of Excellence for Recovery
Location: Bright Ballroom
9:30-10:30 am
The Do’s & Don’ts of Prevention, The Prevention Guidebook (Download presentation)
Keynote Speaker: Tahnee Bryant, NPN, Program Manager II, WV BBH
Location: Bright Ballroom
10:30-11:30 am
Youth Panel Discussion – Prevention from a Youth Perspective
Panelists: Alyssa Milbee, Marshall University C-SPF
Carley Knuckles, WVU Institute of Technology C-SPF
Devin Towne, WV School of Osteopathic Medicine C-SPF
Madison Taylor, Concord University C-SPF
Megan Dennis, Bridge Valley Community & Technical College C-SPF
Ava Mick, Whitmore, WVU PRC Youth Advisory Board
Jack Stalnaker, Notre Dame High School, WVU PRC Youth Advisory Board
Moderators: Heather McDonnell-Stalnaker, Project Director C-SPF-PFS
Katelyn Fowler, Lead Epidemiologist C-SPF-PFS
Location: Bright Ballroom
11:30-11:45 am
11:45-12:30 pm
Prevention Recognition Celebration & Lunch (Download presentation)
Location: Bright Ballroom
12:30-12:45 pm